Fleet and Equipment

Koala-T First Aid operates a fleet of new GMC and Chevrolet 4×4 trucks. All are ¾ and 1 ton turbo diesels which are serviced on a strict maintenance schedule.
All our trucks are equipped with:
- Motorola Digital truck phones
- Two way road radios
- Two way radio communication between MTC and driver
- Road side emergency kit
- Satellite phone available upon request
Mobile Treatment Centres:
All of Koala-T’s Mobile Treatment Centres have Roll Over Protection which meet and exceed the requirements of WCB and the industry standards of our clients.
Our MTC units are fully stocked with wall mounted oxygen tanks, Ferno bags, Ferno spine boards with head blocks and spider straps. We also carry Lifepak 500 Automated External Defibrillator ( AED ) along with Blood Glucose Monitor and Epipen.
Koala-T units are designed to meet the medical needs at the front lines of the Oil and Gas industry.